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The Coalition For Economic Survival (CES) urges a NO vote on Measure S, on the March 7, 2017 Los Angeles City ballot

February 13, 2017

CES believes Measure S threatens to delay or stop projects that would otherwise provide affordable housing, and housing for homeless

Measure S puts a two-year moratorium on development projects requiring certain zoning or height exemptions, and permanently prohibits developments requiring a general plan amendment. Thus, it could stop projects that would provide permanent supportive housing for people that are homeless – housing that voters approved with the passage of Measure HHH last November.

Clearly, there is a great need for government action to protect neighborhoods and much more action is needed to preserve our existing rent controlled and affordable housing stock. In fact, this lack of action at City Hall, no doubt, opened the door for Measure S to make it to the ballot.

measures-blocksMeasure S does have some good provisions. The City should be updating community plans. Obviously, in response to Measure S, the City Council just voted to back an effort to update community plans more frequently.

Additionally, developers should not be allowed to select environmental impact report consultants for their projects.

But, it is our belief that Measure S is a sledgehammer approach that does not provide a solution. In fact, it may make matters worse.

Measure S is not the answer and should be voted down.

Measure S

Does Not Stop Ellis Act evictions

Does Not Stop condo conversions

Does Not Stop rent controlled housing being demolished. In fact no-sit may led to the destruction of rent controlled buildings.

Does Not Create new affordable housing

Does Not Stop big developers from donating to elected officials

Measure S DOES Stop Affordable Housing from Being Built


Measure S would provide an incentive to developer to destroy more rent controlled buildings. 

A two year moratorium on development targeted in Measure S could steer developers towards  other  types of development such as more demolitions and conversions of rent controlled housing to condos resulting in further displacement of low and moderate income renters.

The Measure S moratorium, and its permanent prohibition on the City’s ability to issue general plan amendments, will be stop the building of affordable housing. Although the backers of Measure S claim to exempt affordable housing, Measure S does not actually exempt all 100% affordable housing projects from its reach, and would effectively stop 90% of city-sponsored affordable housing projects.

It is for these reasons CES Urges You to Vote NO on Measure S!

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